In the First Titan War, the Gods triumphed and imprisoned the Titans by locking their Avatars into Tartarus. Some Titans remained free by various means; declaring their neutrality in the War, siding with the Gods or by simply being impossible to bind. The Titan of Death, Mortis, required special handling. It could not be allowed to remain unfettered, but it was within the Realm of Mortis that the other Titans were bound. Even the Gods could not bind the Avatars of Mortis in a prison forged from their own Realm. A different solution was required.
Each of the Avatars save one, Thanatos, was imprisoned deep in the substance of the World itself. In exchange for his freedom, Thanatos taught the Gods how to bind his fellow Avatars. The most powerful Avatar of Death, Kur, was bound the deepest, locked inside a tomb hidden within a prison built under a great mountain.
The escape of the other Titans sent shockwaves of power rippling through the very fabric of all three Worlds, cracked the seals binding the Avatars of Death. Reaching out, one of them contacted Coatlicue. The Avatar promised Coatlicue that in exchange for her help freeing Kur, she would be given the forces necessary to tip the balance and take the place of Iapetus as the ruler of Terra. Only Kur, among all the Avatars of Mortis, was so powerful that it would be able to free the Greater Titan itself from bondage and restore all the Avatars to their full strength.