Association Interpretations!
- Super Literal: If your parent is Associated with Hummingbirds, you gain an association only for Hummingbirds. You get no XP discount on any other manifestation of Animal. This method of reading also means that each type of Animal requires its own Relic to channel. You would need one Relic for Hummingbird and another for Eagle. Essentially, each type of Animal is a totally different Purview. The only thing that unites Animal (Hummingbird) and Animal (Eagle) is that they both have The Beast as their Avatar. Note: Protean Understanding causes some issues under this interpretation because it suddenly causes all the different Purviews to unite as one at Legend 11.
- Semi-Literal: So long as your parent has any form of Animal as an Associated Power, you get an XP discount on any form of Animal. So even if Daddy has Animal (Hummingbird), you can still get a discount for learning Animal (Shrike). Under this interpretation it's a 50/50 call if you would need multiple Relics for Animal, or only one.
How Divided Is Divided?
- Really Damn Divided: If there is any reasonable difference between two types of animals, then they are considered two different types of Animal. This interpretation would say that Animal (Butterfly) is different from Animal (Moth) and that Animal (Cat) is different from Animal (Tiger). Obviously this is going to cause some issues when categories like Cat are much broader than others like Lynx, but the people who hold this view are almost always very specific about what types of Animals are allowed. Typically, broad categorizations such as Cat or Bird-of-Prey would not be acceptable.
- Divided Indeed: This is a little bit more lax, but still fairly strict. People who fall here tend to say that even if you pick something like Animal (Tiger), you're just doing that for fluffy fun. You actually have Animal (Cat) and can apply your Animal Boons to any creature that falls under a similar taxonomic category as your specific totem beast.
- What Divide?: Aten is mostly to thank for this category, since he is listed as having Animal (Flying Creatures). It opens the door for extremely broad categorizations of Animal such as Sea Creatures, Varmints and Bugs.
As I said, all that chaos is without any House Rules at all. That's just different takes on what's actually printed in the books, since the books don't provide clear, well-written guidelines for how to deal with Animal. If we added in all the ways people House Rule the Purview, we'd be here all night just going over the different possible solutions. We won't do that. Instead, I'm going to explain how I handle the Animal Purview and explain why I do it the way I do.