Now, I am going to reiterate, I understand that
being on the receiving end of Epic Socials is not always fun for some
people. But, what people have to keep in mind, especially with their other
players, that they have made an investment in putting
their experience into Manipulation rather than Strength. Someone not
acting like the other person has Epic Manipulation 11 is the same as saying,
"No. I don't die." when Thor hits you over the head with Mjölnir
and uses Ultimate Strength.
Now, something that the game books do not delve into is the idea of Epic Socials functioning passively. People who think this is dumb must keep in mind that effectively, every moment they spend looking at the Epic Appearance character, there technically could be constant rolls against their MDV to make the viewer fall to be susceptible to that. This same thing works for both Epic Manipulation and Epic Charisma. It doesn't matter that Aphrodite isn't actively rolling against your MDV to think she is hot, you just should; she is Aphrodite and is literally the hottest thing you have ever seen. Thanks to Arete (Presence) and Emotion (Lust), she is probably hotter than, say, Aengus.Moving on to the different ways the Epic Socials can express themselves. Two people who have Ultimate Charisma could have the same sort of Epic Charisma, or they could have a very different kind of it. I am going to go through each of the three, and give examples for some different expressions of it. (I would like to add that there are likely far more expressions of the Epics than these).
Epic Charisma
- Baldur: Everyone loves Baldur. Everyone. Baldur is just so awesome it's not possible to not like him. Chernobog probably likes Baldur. Surtr would probably admit that Baldur is a pretty awesome guy. Even when Baldur is being a dick, he is still awesome and you love him for that.
- Nuada: Nuada is the most noble and just High King the Irish have ever, ever had, and probably ever will. He is one of the Pantheon Head styles of Epic Charisma. Everyone bows to Nuada, even The Morrigan (although he would probably not insist on it). Everyone does this because they know he is the best they have, and will ever have. Just because he is Nuada.
- Huitzilopochtli: Huitzilopochtli is like Nuada in that he is the Pantheon Head, although, they are very different. Huitzilopochtli's Epic Charisma functions like a military officer. When he says to go do something, you do it without even thinking. You do it because he is Huitzilopochtli, and just is in charge.
- Eoin: Yeah, I am using one of my Characters to describe this. Don't complain. Eoin's Epic Charisma is very much not any of the above. People who see Eoin know he is probably guilty of something, and at least to the Tuatha, he is a fucking coward. But, he's Eoin. You just roll your eyes and let it slide because, what are you going to do? Well, yes, the Irish could just stab him a bunch and leave him for Lir. If he didn't have Epic Charisma, they probably would. But he has reached the point where he is just ignored. He will probably reach the point where he is just the exception to the rules. Or will just get a 'quit it' look and a pat on the head when he fucks up.
- Gawain: Yeah, another of my Characters, but I really wanted to mention his brand of Epic Charisma. When you spoke to Gawain, you imminently knew what his intentions were. And in addition, the poor kid literally radiated innocence of mind. It's hard not to like Gawain just because he can't fuck with you, ever. He would feel really bad about it. He would probably try to write you a strongly worded letter instead of resorting to violence and it would turn into a list of reasons why he knows you are a good person deep down.
Epic Manipulation
- Loki: Loki's style of Epic Manipulation is the generic one that you get in Tricksters. People leave themselves open to Loki, despite everyone knowing that he is Loki. You may expect it was him the moment something bad goes wrong, but before something bad happens, it's just Loki. It doesn't matter that he has tricked you time and time again, you don't even think that he'll do it again. You've probably forgotten about the other times.
- Hera: Hera is very different than Loki and the Tricksters. She sits on her high throne and tugs at different people, laying out large plans across her own Pantheon and likely across others.
- Amira: Amira's sort of Epic Manipulation is also very different. She mixes the two of the above ones. Amira just sits back and listens to people, and then selectively spreads the things she hears to get the outcome she wants. People have not caught onto this yet, because she is only Legend 9. But when she is 12, people will still slip up and say things they are not supposed to, and she will tell another person, and then suddenly the Amatsukami and the Nemtondevos are trading blows.
Epic Appearance
- The Morrigan: The Morrigan very much has Visage of the Great and Terrible. She can hop from stunning to so freaky Cuchulain won't tap that (that's very freaky if you must know.). Telgar and I have discussed the idea of someone just being Epic Impressive instead of Hot or Scary. If that ever comes to be, she is probably that at most times. Scary as fuck, while still alluring as all hell.
- Aphrodite: Aphrodite is easy: she's just hot. She's hot to everyone, because she's Aphrodite. She is the most beautiful of the Greek Goddesses according to Paris. Aphrodite ain't complicated. She's just the most stunning thing you have ever seen. That's it.
- Freyr: Freyr is a bit different. He's just a symbol of the Norse idea of masculinity. While he and Baldur are the resident hot dudes of their Pantheon, Freyr is their fertility God (the other kind, as well as the plants). Freyr just reeks of male-ness, and that is attractive as all hell to people who look at them.
- Hel: Hel's not scary, not like The Morrigan. Hel is disgusting. She is vomit inducing, and makes your skin crawl just from the thought of her. Only a God like Baldur could stay in her presence for long periods of time. Hel is not the monstrous and fear inducing sort of Negative Epic Appearance, she is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen in your life.
Now, again I am going to touch on the problem of Positive Epic Appearance. Some people may be uncomfortable with it, and that's fine. But you need to tell your ST or your fellow player about it then. There is also a problem regarding orientation here, and I'm not going to poke that problem with a ten foot pole. I will say that people should just role play as they are comfortable, and let the ST or the other player know if they would rather not have to be seduced by something. Personally, being Eoin's player, I don't give a fuck. He does the deed with everything as everything. But, I get that some people may be really uncomfortable with that. So, just let people know, and they'll try to avoid situations where it'll arise. But, for the love of God, I don't care if your character doesn't like guys, don't call Baldur ugly.
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